Honorary President of the Curatorium

Professor Yves Daudet, after serving two mandates as Secretary-General of the Academy, from January 2005 to January 2016, and then as President of the Curatorium from January 2017 to January 2023, has been graced with the title of Honorary President of the Curatorium by a joint decision of the Curatorium and the Board.

He was solemnly presented with this title by the President of the Board , Mr. Donner, at the Curatorium dinner held on 18 January 2023 on the premises of the Bredius Museum in The Hague. Professor Daudet, who devoted 18 years to the Academy, developed and professionalised its Secretariat, modernised its publications in particular, and supported its development while respecting its traditions.

At the end of his presidency, exercised in particular during the difficult period of the COVID 19 pandemic, which the Academy dealt with under his impetus by offering its courses online, the Curatorium achieved parity, now being made up of 9 women and 9 men. Professor Daudet, whose contribution to the work and influence of the Academy has been exceptional in every way, remains very attached to the Academy and its attendees, as well as to the Peace Palace, where he continues to serve as an ad hoc Judge of the International Court of Justice.
