
In collaboration with Brill Publishers, the courses given at the Academy since 1923 are published in English or French as the Collected Courses and as Pocket Books. The Academy also publishes book series of the works of The Centre for Research and Study, and a variety of Monographs, Workshops and Special Editions. All publications can be ordered via Brill's website:

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1569 publications found

L’unité de l’ordre juridique international : cours général de droit international public (2000)

  • Year 2002
  • Author Dupuy, Pierre-Marie
  • Volume 297
  • Pages 9-489

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The role of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities in the field of conflict prevention

  • Year 2002
  • Author Stoel, Max van der
  • Volume 296
  • Pages 9-23

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  • Year 2002
  • Author Hanotiau, Bernard
  • Volume 296
  • Pages 25-253

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The United Nations Compensation Commission

  • Year 2002
  • Author Heiskanen, Veijo
  • Volume 296
  • Pages 255-397

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Theory and practice of adjudicatory authority in private international law : a comparative study of the doctrine, policies and practices of common- and civil-law systems : general course on private international law (1996)

  • Year 2002
  • Author Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor
  • Volume 295
  • Pages 9-431

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Organisations internationales et mondialisation : conférence prononcée à l’Académie de droit international de La Haye, le 2 juillet 2002

  • Year 2002
  • Author Camdessus, Michel
  • Volume 294
  • Pages 9-38

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Aspects internationaux du droit constitutionnel : contribution à la théorie de la fédération d’Etats

  • Year 2002
  • Author Zoller, Elisabeth
  • Volume 294
  • Pages 39-166

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Self-determination of peoples and plural-ethnic states : secession and state succession and the alternative, federal option

  • Year 2002
  • Author McWhinney, Edward
  • Volume 294
  • Pages 167-263

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Concepts, principles, rules and analogies : international and municipal legal reasoning

  • Year 2002
  • Author Thirlway, Hugh
  • Volume 294
  • Pages 265-405

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La politique de l’environnement. De la réglementation aux instruments économiques/Environmental Policy. From Regulation to Economic Instruments

  • L. A. Aledo
  • S. de Boer
  • F. Ferrand
  • A. Garane
  • M. Gestri
  • Jian Liu
  • A. Monrós Chancosa
  • F. Oliveira
  • A. M. Pomar Borda
  • C. Schmidt
  • M. Seršić
  • S. P. Subedi
  • M. T. Traore
  • S. Vinogradov
  • M. Wilder
  • P. K. Wouters
  • Year 2002
  • Author Bothe, M., et/and P. H. Sand
  • Volume 22
  • Pages 958

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International protection of the environment

  • Year 2001
  • Author Fitzmaurice, Malgosia A.
  • Volume 293
  • Pages 9-488

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Le droit international humanitaire applicable aux conflits armés non internationaux

  • Year 2001
  • Author Momtaz, Djamchid
  • Volume 292
  • Pages 9-145

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