
In collaboration with Brill Publishers, the courses given at the Academy since 1923 are published in English or French as the Collected Courses and as Pocket Books. The Academy also publishes book series of the works of The Centre for Research and Study, and a variety of Monographs, Workshops and Special Editions. All publications can be ordered via Brill's website:

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1569 publications found

La loi applicable à la garantie bancaire à première demande

  • Year 1998
  • Author Elwan, Omaia
  • Volume 275
  • Pages 9-217

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The North American Free Trade Agreement : a comparative analysis

  • Year 1998
  • Author De Mestral, Armand
  • Volume 275
  • Pages 219-416

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Le droit international à la veille du vingt et unième siècle : normes, faits et valeurs : Cours général de droit international public

  • Year 1998
  • Author Pastor Ridruejo, José Antonio
  • Volume 274
  • Pages 9-308

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Le système monétaire international privé (UEM et Euromarchés)

  • Year 1998
  • Author Carreau, Dominique
  • Volume 274
  • Pages 309-391

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Vérification en matière de désarmement

  • Year 1998
  • Author Sur, Serge
  • Volume 273
  • Pages 9-102

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The Role of the Organization of American States in the Promotion and Protection of Democratic Governance

  • Year 1998
  • Author Hugo, Caminos
  • Volume 273
  • Pages 103-238

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The Private International Law of Copyright in an Era of Technological Change

  • Year 1998
  • Author Ginsburg, Jane C.
  • Volume 273
  • Pages 239-405

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Means of ensuring compliance with and enforcement of international environmental law

  • Year 1998
  • Author Wolfrum, Rüdiger
  • Volume 272
  • Pages 9-154

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The formation of customary international law

  • Year 1998
  • Author Mendelson, Maurice H.
  • Volume 272
  • Pages 155-410

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La contribution de l’Académie au développement de la science et de la pratique du droit international privé ; conférence prononcée à l’occasion du soixante-quinzième anniversaire de l’ Académie

  • Year 1998
  • Author Struycken, A.V.M.
  • Volume 271
  • Pages 11-56

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The contribution of the Academy to the development of the science and practice of public international law ; address delivered on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Academy

  • Year 1998
  • Author Skubiszewski, Krzysztof
  • Volume 271
  • Pages 57-100

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Is international law threatened by multiple international tribunals?

  • Year 1998
  • Author Charney, Jonathan I.
  • Volume 271
  • Pages 101-382

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