
In collaboration with Brill Publishers, the courses given at the Academy since 1923 are published in English or French as the Collected Courses and as Pocket Books. The Academy also publishes book series of the works of The Centre for Research and Study, and a variety of Monographs, Workshops and Special Editions. All publications can be ordered via Brill's website:

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1569 publications found

The contribution of international trade law to the development of international law

  • Year 1996
  • Author McRae, Donald M.
  • Volume 260
  • Pages 99-238

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La conservation et la gestion des ressources de l’Antarctique

  • Year 1996
  • Author Francioni, Francesco
  • Volume 260
  • Pages 239-404

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The supervisory jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice : international arbitration and international adjudication

  • Year 1996
  • Author Reisman, W. Michael
  • Volume 258
  • Pages 9-394

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Le cinquantième anniversaire de la Cour internationale de Justice : communication de S. Exc. M. Mohammed Bedjaoui, Président de la Cour internationale de Justice à la soixante-sixième session de droit international public de l’Académie de droit international de La Haye, le mardi 23 juillet 1996

  • Year 1996
  • Author Bedjaoui, Mohammed
  • Volume 257
  • Pages 9-34

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Droit international et souveraineté des états : cours général de droit international public

  • Year 1996
  • Author Carrillo-Salcedo, Juan-Antonio
  • Volume 257
  • Pages 35-221

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Facultative choice of law : the procedural status of choice-of-law rules and foreign law

  • Year 1996
  • Author Boer, Th.M. de
  • Volume 257
  • Pages 223-427

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The nuclear non-proliferation régime : assessment and prospects

  • Year 1995
  • Author Goldblat, Jozef
  • Volume 256
  • Pages 9-191

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L’intervention dans la procédure de la Cour internationale de Justice

  • Year 1995
  • Author Bernárdez, Santiago Torres
  • Volume 256
  • Pages 193-457

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International law at the fiftieth anniversary of the United Nations : general course on public international law

  • Year 1995
  • Author Brownlie, Ian
  • Volume 255
  • Pages 9-228

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La prescription extinctive en droit international privé

  • Year 1995
  • Author Hage-Chahine, Fayez
  • Volume 255
  • Pages 229-338

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La notion d’État interessé en droit international

  • Year 1995
  • Author Quéneudec, Jean-Pierre
  • Volume 255
  • Pages 339-462

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L’Etat de droit : émergence d’un principe du droit international

  • Year 1995
  • Author Morin, Jacques-Yvan
  • Volume 254
  • Pages 9-462

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