
In collaboration with Brill Publishers, the courses given at the Academy since 1923 are published in English or French as the Collected Courses and as Pocket Books. The Academy also publishes book series of the works of The Centre for Research and Study, and a variety of Monographs, Workshops and Special Editions. All publications can be ordered via Brill's website:

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1569 publications found

Le développement du rôle du Conseil de sécurité/The Development of the Role of the Security Council

  • Year 1993
  • Author Dupuy, R.-J.
  • Volume 16
  • Pages 514

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Le droit international en quête de son identité : cours général de droit international public

  • Year 1992
  • Author Weil, Prosper
  • Volume 237
  • Pages 11-370

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European integration and international law of economic interdependence

  • Year 1992
  • Author Piontek, Eugeniusz
  • Volume 236
  • Pages 9-126

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Le régime juridique international de la mer Méditerranée

  • Year 1992
  • Author Leanza, Umberto
  • Volume 236
  • Pages 127-460

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Le droit des Communautés européennes dans ses rapports avec le droit international général

  • Year 1992
  • Author Boulouis, Jean
  • Volume 235
  • Pages 9-80

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Les règles spécifiques du droit international en Amérique latine

  • Year 1992
  • Author Barberis, Julio A.
  • Volume 235
  • Pages 81-230

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Les privatisations en droit comparé et en droit international (privé)

  • Year 1992
  • Author Hoffmann, Bernd
  • Volume 235
  • Pages 231-302

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Self-executing and non-self-executing treaties in national and international law

  • Year 1992
  • Author Buergenthal, Thomas
  • Volume 235
  • Pages 303-400

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Provisional and protective measures in international litigation

  • Year 1992
  • Author Collins, Lawrence
  • Volume 234
  • Pages 9-238

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Constitutional limits on choice of law

  • Year 1992
  • Author Herzog, Peter E.
  • Volume 234
  • Pages 239-330

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Le droit international privé, droit savant

  • Year 1992
  • Author Oppetit, Bruno
  • Volume 234
  • Pages 331-433

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La contribution de la Conférence de La Haye au développement du droit international privé

  • Year 1992
  • Author Overbeck, Alfred E. von
  • Volume 233
  • Pages 9-98

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