
In collaboration with Brill Publishers, the courses given at the Academy since 1923 are published in English or French as the Collected Courses and as Pocket Books. The Academy also publishes book series of the works of The Centre for Research and Study, and a variety of Monographs, Workshops and Special Editions. All publications can be ordered via Brill's website:

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1569 publications found

Le droit international privé des Communautés Européennes

  • Year 1985
  • Author Badiali, Giorgio
  • Volume 191
  • Pages 9-182

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Arms, armaments and international law

  • Year 1985
  • Author Kalshoven, Frits
  • Volume 191
  • Pages 183-342

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International personality

  • Year 1985
  • Author Feldmann, David
  • Volume 191
  • Pages 343-414

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Comparative approaches to international law

  • Year 1985
  • Author Butler, W.E.
  • Volume 190
  • Pages 9-89

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The influence of technical progress on development of creativity and the law of intellectual property

  • Year 1985
  • Author Kopff, A.
  • Volume 190
  • Pages 91-187

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Conflicts of laws in international transport law

  • Year 1985
  • Author Sadikov, O.N.
  • Volume 190
  • Pages 189-270

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La tradition territorialiste en droit international privé dans les pays d’Amérique latine

  • Year 1985
  • Author Pereznieto Castro, Leonel
  • Volume 190
  • Pages 271-400

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L’avenir du droit international de l’environnement/The Future of the International Law of the Environment

  • Year 1985
  • Author Dupuy, R.-J.
  • Volume 84
  • Pages 536

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L’imputation à l’état d’un fait internationalement illicite : solutions classiques et nouvelles tendences

  • Year 1984
  • Author Condorelli, Luigi
  • Volume 189
  • Pages 9-221

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The conflict of laws of contracts : general principles

  • Year 1984
  • Author Lando, Ole
  • Volume 189
  • Pages 225-447

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Le fait générateur de la responsabilité internationale des états

  • Year 1984
  • Author Dupuy, Pierre-Marie
  • Volume 188
  • Pages 9-133

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The institutional arrangements for the international sea-bed and their impact on the evolution of international organizations

  • Year 1984
  • Author Paolillo, Felipe H.
  • Volume 188
  • Pages 135-338

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