
In collaboration with Brill Publishers, the courses given at the Academy since 1923 are published in English or French as the Collected Courses and as Pocket Books. The Academy also publishes book series of the works of The Centre for Research and Study, and a variety of Monographs, Workshops and Special Editions. All publications can be ordered via Brill's website:

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1439 publications found

Non-alignement et droit international

  • Year 1976
  • Author Bedjaoui, Mohamed
  • Volume 151
  • Pages 337-467

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General course on private international law

  • Year 1976
  • Author Reese, Willis L.M.
  • Volume 150
  • Pages 1-193

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Settlement of disputes relating to the interpretation and application of treaties

  • Year 1976
  • Author Sohn, Louis B.
  • Volume 150
  • Pages 195-294

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L’application du droit national aux sociétés multinationales

  • Year 1976
  • Author Kopelmanas, Lazare
  • Volume 150
  • Pages 295-336

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Multinational firms and the processes of regional economic integration

  • Year 1976
  • Author Aramburú Menchaca, Andrés A.
  • Volume 150
  • Pages 337-492

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Le principe de la souveraineté sur les ressources nationales et ses incidences juridiques sur le commerce international

  • Year 1976
  • Author Elian, George
  • Volume 149
  • Pages 1-85

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Immunities of foreign states before national authorities

  • Year 1976
  • Author Sucharitkul, Sompong
  • Volume 149
  • Pages 87-215

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Les formes de cessation de l’état de guerre en droit international : (les formes classiques et non classiques)

  • Year 1976
  • Author Klafkowski, Alfons
  • Volume 149
  • Pages 217-286

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Legal problems relating to refugees and displaced persons

  • Year 1976
  • Author Aga Khan, Sadruddin
  • Volume 149
  • Pages 287-352

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Armistices and other forms of suspension of hostilities

  • Year 1976
  • Author Baxter, R.R.
  • Volume 149
  • Pages 353-414

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L’ordre juridique des communautés européennes et le droit international

  • Year 1975
  • Author Ganshof van der Meersch, Walter
  • Volume 148
  • Pages 1-433

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International law in the international system

  • Year 1975
  • Author Tunkin, Grigory
  • Volume 147
  • Pages 1-218

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