
In collaboration with Brill Publishers, the courses given at the Academy since 1923 are published in English or French as the Collected Courses and as Pocket Books. The Academy also publishes book series of the works of The Centre for Research and Study, and a variety of Monographs, Workshops and Special Editions. All publications can be ordered via Brill's website:

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1566 publications found

Functional developments in choice of law for contracts

  • Year 1984
  • Author Weintraub, Russell Jay
  • Volume 187
  • Pages 239-305

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Principles of international mediation : the case of the East African Community

  • Year 1984
  • Author Umbricht, Victor H.
  • Volume 187
  • Pages 307-389

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The doctrine of international jurisdiction revisited after twenty years

  • Year 1984
  • Author Mann, Frederick Alexander
  • Volume 186
  • Pages 9-116

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Pollution of international rivers

  • Year 1984
  • Author Sette-Camara, José
  • Volume 186
  • Pages 117-217

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Le caractère fonctionnel de la règle de conflit : (sur la crise des conflits de lois)

  • Year 1984
  • Author Audit, Bernard
  • Volume 186
  • Pages 219-397

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Responsibility and damages caused : relationship between responsibility and damages

  • Year 1984
  • Author Graefrath, Bernard
  • Volume 185
  • Pages 9-149

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L’evolution récente de l’extradition dans le continent américain

  • Year 1984
  • Author Vieira, Manuel Adolfo
  • Volume 185
  • Pages 151-380

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Agency : unification of material law and of conflict rules

  • Year 1984
  • Author Badr, Gamal Moursi
  • Volume 184
  • Pages 9-168

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La reconnaissance et l’exécution des sentences arbitrales étrangères

  • Year 1984
  • Author Remiro Brotons, Antonio
  • Volume 184
  • Pages 169-354

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La troisième génération des droits de l’homme : conférence

  • Year 1984
  • Author Uribe Vargas, Diego
  • Volume 184
  • Pages 355-376

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L’avenir du droit international dans un monde multiculturel/ The Future of International Law in a Multicultural World

  • Year 1984
  • Author Dupuy, R.-J.
  • Volume 83
  • Pages 510

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Panorama du droit international contemporain : cours général de droit international public

  • Year 1983
  • Author Virally, Michel
  • Volume 183
  • Pages 9-382

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