
In collaboration with Brill Publishers, the courses given at the Academy since 1923 are published in English or French as the Collected Courses and as Pocket Books. The Academy also publishes book series of the works of The Centre for Research and Study, and a variety of Monographs, Workshops and Special Editions. All publications can be ordered via Brill's website:

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1439 publications found

The regime of boundary waters : the Canadian-United States experience

  • Year 1974
  • Author Cohen, Maxwell
  • Volume 146
  • Pages 219-340

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Les rapports entre les contrats et les obligations délictuelles en droit international privé

  • Year 1974
  • Author Ferrari Bravo, Luigi
  • Volume 146
  • Pages 341-452

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Les régimes matrimoniaux en droit international privé comparé

  • Year 1974
  • Author Droz, Georges A.L.
  • Volume 143
  • Pages 1-138

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General problems of private international law

  • Year 1974
  • Author Kahn-Freund, O.
  • Volume 143
  • Pages 139-474

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Les conventions relatives à la prorogation et à la dérogation à la compétence internationale en matière civile

  • Year 1974
  • Author Jodlowski, Jerzy
  • Volume 143
  • Pages 475-588

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Le problème des effets des traités à l’égard des états tiers

  • Year 1974
  • Author Cahier, Philippe
  • Volume 143
  • Pages 589-736

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The antagonism between legal security and the search for justice in the field of contracts

  • Year 1974
  • Author Vischer, F.
  • Volume 142
  • Pages 1-70

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Le rattachement autonome de la transmission successorale en droit international privé

  • Year 1974
  • Author Ferid, Murad
  • Volume 142
  • Pages 71-202

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Le rôle de l’accord dans le système des Nations Unies

  • Year 1974
  • Author Conforti, Benedetto
  • Volume 142
  • Pages 203-288

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The regulation of foreign intervention in civil armed conflict

  • Year 1974
  • Author Farer, Tom J.
  • Volume 142
  • Pages 291-417

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La compétence interne des états et la non-intervention dans le droit international contemporain

  • Year 1974
  • Author Ouchakov, N.A.
  • Volume 141
  • Pages 1-86

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La protection diplomatique des sociétés et des actionnaires

  • Year 1974
  • Author Diez de Velasco, Manuel
  • Volume 141
  • Pages 87-185

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