
In collaboration with Brill Publishers, the courses given at the Academy since 1923 are published in English or French as the Collected Courses and as Pocket Books. The Academy also publishes book series of the works of The Centre for Research and Study, and a variety of Monographs, Workshops and Special Editions. All publications can be ordered via Brill's website:

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1569 publications found

Regional conventions on the protection of marine environment

  • Year 1979
  • Author Yturriaga, Jose A. de
  • Volume 162
  • Pages 319-451

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Le droit à la santé en tant que droit de l’homme/The Right to Health as a Human Right

  • Year 1979
  • Author Dupuy, R.-J.
  • Volume 78
  • Pages 513

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La structure de l’ordre juridique international : règles générales et règles conventionnelles

  • Year 1978
  • Author Barile, Giuseppe
  • Volume 161
  • Pages 9-126

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Etude des règles de compétence judiciaire dans certaines conventions internationales

  • Year 1978
  • Author Matscher, Franz
  • Volume 161
  • Pages 127-228

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Tendances contemporaines du développement du droit spatial international

  • Year 1978
  • Author Zhukov, Guennady P.
  • Volume 161
  • Pages 229-328

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Duties of states regarding the civil rights of aliens

  • Year 1978
  • Author Lillich, Richard B.
  • Volume 161
  • Pages 329-444

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General course on private international law

  • Year 1978
  • Author Philip, A.
  • Volume 160
  • Pages 1-74

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The status of observers in international organizations

  • Year 1978
  • Author Suy, E.
  • Volume 160
  • Pages 75-180

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Le renouveau du particularisme en droit international

  • Year 1978
  • Author Carrillo Salcedo, Juan Antonio
  • Volume 160
  • Pages 181-264

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Le droit monétaire dans les relations privées internationales

  • Year 1978
  • Author Malaurie, Philippe
  • Volume 160
  • Pages 265-334

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La jurisprudence de la Cour de Justice des Communautés européennes relative aux relations extérieures des Communautés

  • Year 1978
  • Author Boulouis, Jean
  • Volume 160
  • Pages 335-394

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Minimum standards of public policy and order applicable to collective international commodity negotiations

  • Year 1978
  • Author Franck, Thomas M.
  • Volume 160
  • Pages 395-438

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