
In collaboration with Brill Publishers, the courses given at the Academy since 1923 are published in English or French as the Collected Courses and as Pocket Books. The Academy also publishes book series of the works of The Centre for Research and Study, and a variety of Monographs, Workshops and Special Editions. All publications can be ordered via Brill's website:

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1569 publications found

International law in the past third of a century

  • Year 1978
  • Author Jiménez de Aréchaga, Eduardo
  • Volume 159
  • Pages 1-344

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La solution des problèmes de statut personnel dans le droit des pays arabes et africains

  • Year 1978
  • Author Tarazi, Salah El Dine
  • Volume 159
  • Pages 345-465

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Public international law : paradoxes of a legal order

  • Year 1977
  • Author Wengler, Wilhelm
  • Volume 158
  • Pages 9-86

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International commercial arbitration in the Socialist countries members of the CMEA

  • Year 1977
  • Author Lebedev, Sergei N.
  • Volume 158
  • Pages 87-182

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La loi applicable aux contrats : problèmes choisis

  • Year 1977
  • Author Guiliano, Mario
  • Volume 158
  • Pages 183-270

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Les conventions relatives à la coopération judiciaire en matière civile et commerciale entre les Etats socialistes et les Etats occidentaux

  • Year 1977
  • Author Jodlowski, Jerzy
  • Volume 158
  • Pages 271-392

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International commercial arbitration and the municipal law of states

  • Year 1977
  • Author Luzzato, Riccardo
  • Volume 157
  • Pages 9-120

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Practice, norms and reform of international humanitarian rescue operations

  • Year 1977
  • Author Morse, Bradford
  • Volume 157
  • Pages 121-194

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Human rights and non-intervention in the Helsinki final act

  • Year 1977
  • Author Arangio-Ruiz, Gaetano
  • Volume 157
  • Pages 195-332

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Règles de non-discrimination et droit international privé

  • Year 1977
  • Author Ubertazzi, Giovanni Maria
  • Volume 157
  • Pages 333-414

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Notions de territoire et d’espace dans l’aménagement

  • Year 1977
  • Author La Pradelle, Paul Geouffre de
  • Volume 157
  • Pages 415-484

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Legal problems of migrant workers

  • Year 1977
  • Author Ansay, T.
  • Volume 156
  • Pages 1-78

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