
In collaboration with Brill Publishers, the courses given at the Academy since 1923 are published in English or French as the Collected Courses and as Pocket Books. The Academy also publishes book series of the works of The Centre for Research and Study, and a variety of Monographs, Workshops and Special Editions. All publications can be ordered via Brill's website:

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1569 publications found

The normative role of the General Assembly of the United Nations and the Declaration of Principles of Friendly Relations

  • Year 1972
  • Author Arangio-Ruez, Gaetano
  • Volume 137
  • Pages 419-742

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La volonté des parties en droit international privé

  • Year 1972
  • Author Curti Gialdino, A.
  • Volume 137
  • Pages 743-938

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Cours général de droit international public

  • Year 1972
  • Author Visscher, Paul
  • Volume 136
  • Pages 1-202

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Transactions between states and public firms and foreign private firms (a methodological study)

  • Year 1972
  • Author Goldschmidt, Werner
  • Volume 136
  • Pages 203-329

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The convention on the settlement of investment disputes between states and nationals of other states

  • Year 1972
  • Author Broches, Aron
  • Volume 136
  • Pages 331-410

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Agression, intervention and self-defence in modern international law

  • Year 1972
  • Author Schwebel, S.M.
  • Volume 136
  • Pages 411-497

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Les obligations en droit international privé dans le cadre du commerce extérieur des pays socialistes

  • Year 1972
  • Author Skapski, Józef
  • Volume 136
  • Pages 499-591

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Les principes directeurs des règles de compétence territoriale des tribunaux internes en matière de litiges comportant un élément international

  • Year 1972
  • Author Miaja de la Muela, Adolfo
  • Volume 135
  • Pages 1-96

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The general principles of private international law

  • Year 1972
  • Author Lipstein, K.
  • Volume 135
  • Pages 97-229

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Parties to treaties – the right to participation

  • Year 1972
  • Author Lukashuk, I.I.
  • Volume 135
  • Pages 231-328

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Les tendances contemporaines du droit privé maritime international

  • Year 1972
  • Author Rodière, René
  • Volume 135
  • Pages 329-409

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Introductory lecture on the law and the growth of international air transport

  • Year 1972
  • Author Hammerskjöld, K.
  • Volume 135
  • Pages 413-430

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