
In collaboration with Brill Publishers, the courses given at the Academy since 1923 are published in English or French as the Collected Courses and as Pocket Books. The Academy also publishes book series of the works of The Centre for Research and Study, and a variety of Monographs, Workshops and Special Editions. All publications can be ordered via Brill's website:

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1566 publications found

Problèmes relatifs aux contrats passés entre un état et un particulier

  • Year 1969
  • Author Weil, Prosper
  • Volume 128
  • Pages 95-240

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The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development : background, aims and policies

  • Year 1969
  • Author El-Naggar, S.
  • Volume 128
  • Pages 241-345

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Nationality or domicile? The present state of affairs

  • Year 1969
  • Author Winter, L.I. de
  • Volume 128
  • Pages 347-503

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La loi du pavillon et les conflits de droit maritime

  • Year 1969
  • Author Bonassies, Pierre
  • Volume 128
  • Pages 505-629

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Les champs d’application territoriale des lois sur la concurrence

  • Year 1969
  • Author Goldman, Berthold
  • Volume 128
  • Pages 630-729

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Le droit interne des organisations internationales

  • Year 1969
  • Author Balladore Pallieri, G.
  • Volume 127
  • Pages 1-37

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General course in public international law

  • Year 1969
  • Author Friedmann, W.
  • Volume 127
  • Pages 39-246

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Les problèmes du droit international privé fluvial

  • Year 1969
  • Author Koutikov, Vladimir
  • Volume 127
  • Pages 247-354

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International law of the resources of the sea

  • Year 1969
  • Author Oda, Shigeru
  • Volume 127
  • Pages 355-505

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Constitutional aspects of private international law in Australia and in Canada

  • Year 1969
  • Author Castel, J.G.
  • Volume 126
  • Pages 1-109

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International conventions and national conflict systems

  • Year 1969
  • Author Vitta, Edoardo
  • Volume 126
  • Pages 112-232

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Reflections on the codification of international law by the International Law Commission and by other agencies

  • Year 1969
  • Author Briggs, Herbert W.
  • Volume 126
  • Pages 233-316

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