
In collaboration with Brill Publishers, the courses given at the Academy since 1923 are published in English or French as the Collected Courses and as Pocket Books. The Academy also publishes book series of the works of The Centre for Research and Study, and a variety of Monographs, Workshops and Special Editions. All publications can be ordered via Brill's website:

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1569 publications found

L’amitié internationale : les phases critiques de son ancienne histoire

  • Year 1951
  • Author Paradisi, Bruno
  • Volume 78
  • Pages 325-378

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Aspects récents de la succession d’états

  • Year 1951
  • Author Castrén, Erik J.S.
  • Volume 78
  • Pages 379-506

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L’organisation des Nations Unies et la Cour internationale de justice

  • Year 1951
  • Author Kerno, Ivan S.
  • Volume 78
  • Pages 507-574

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La jurisprudence de la Cour internationale de justice

  • Year 1951
  • Author Bastid, Suzanne
  • Volume 78
  • Pages 575-702

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The peace of peoples

  • Year 1950
  • Author Berle Jr, Adolf A.
  • Volume 77
  • Pages 1-53

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Le contrôle international

  • Year 1950
  • Author Kopelmanas, Lazare
  • Volume 77
  • Pages 55-149

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Co-ordination : a new problem of international organization : a preliminary survey of the law and practice of inter-organizational relationships

  • Year 1950
  • Author Jenks, C.Wilfred
  • Volume 77
  • Pages 151-303

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Les principes de droit international public

  • Year 1950
  • Author Rolin, Henri
  • Volume 77
  • Pages 305-479

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Le droit de société interhumaine et le ‘jus gentium’ : essai sur les origines et le développement des notions jusqu’à Grotius

  • Year 1950
  • Author Moreau-Reibel, Jean
  • Volume 77
  • Pages 481-614

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La Croix-Rouge et les conventions de Genève

  • Year 1950
  • Author Pictet, Jean S.
  • Volume 76
  • Pages 1-119

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The jurisdiction of the International Court of justice

  • Year 1950
  • Author Hambro, Edvard
  • Volume 76
  • Pages 121-215

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L’arbitrage international entre gouvernements et particuliers

  • Year 1950
  • Author Carabiber, Ch.
  • Volume 76
  • Pages 217-318

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